Emiliano Marinucci est avec Jose Vazquez.
Today I learned I lost a great friend. Jose was one of the best performers and humans I ever had the privilege to meet. Always over the edge in his love for music and art, on this ground we were brothers. I have so many memories of this incredibly passionate and unconventional character. I was lucky to help him many times in our common quest for instruments. We shared the same views, that they were not just value, but instruments, and lived to be played. This was his passion, his mission, to create the best collection of playable viols. The viol was his voice, his character. This amazing small bodied Cuban was the best viol player, he had the same timbre of the instrument in his voice. Passionate, truly unpredictable, i remember me and him meeting set up like Christmas trees filled with instruments on our bodies… I am gonna miss the Hell out of my friend, we all are. He was a true voice, the voice of passion, of an outstanding musicality, with the warmth of a dedicated soul. We had an appointment in Bracciano in a couple of weeks, he had found yet another setting for his collection. I was supposed to help him setting things back in place again. And I will, in his honor, whenever I can. I hope his spark never dies in all of us that knew him. Rest in peace my dear friend, you were family to me, the family I chose.
Life is something so volatile, so fragile, and my friend’s Jose’s missing was like a lightning strike, brief light and a lot of darkness. I listen over and over at all of his recordings, finding all of his incredible wit in every moment. It’s like if he was actually speaking through it. This instrument here was very close to his heart, so was the music. Thanks again to him, every moment in his company was filled with his unique character.
Maestro Jose Vazquez la notizia della sua scomparsa mi ha provocato un’ebetudine stuporosa devastante e solo la musica potrà destarmi da quest’incubo. Il Maestro Antonio Mostacci organizzò per lei un concerto e mi invitò ad ascoltarlo, suonava in duo con Lucia Krommer, un concerto « squisito » e dal quel giorno l’abbiamo seguita ovunque ed ogni volta è stato un viaggio metastorico. Lei è, ed è stato per me, un Maestro Metastorico oltre le Nazioni, oltre il tempo e a lei voglio dedicare in memoria il nostro Vandini, perché in ogni nota eseguita c’è la sua amorevole cura, la sua ammirazione, la sua egida, il suo entusiasmo…. e le prometto che mi impegnerò a non suonare da « massaio casalingo ». Grazie per tutto Maestro Vasquez 

Myrna Herzog est avec Jose Vazquez.
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Dear José Vazquez, I cannot believe you are gone!
Last time we talked, nearly two months ago, you were as usual, passionate, full of life and of enthusiasm!
It does not make sense!
You were really unique, as a player, as a musician, and also in your astounding contribution to the viola da gamba and early music world!
The world is poorer without you.
You will be greatly missed.
Ludovica Mosca est avec Jose Vazquez.
José Vazquez , « Príncipe » de la Música, Amigo entrañable, ser único …y qué vamos a hacer ahora sin ti ? Cómo llenaremos este tremendo vacío ? Hace tan pocas semanas que hablábamos del futuro ,de que la Música sobreviviría a las tribulaciones que vivimos , de que volveríamos a actuar juntos …José descansa , GRACIAS por dar tanto a muchos de nosotros ! Con el profundo cariño y gran amistad que nos ha unido durante más de 40 años , te quiero !
José Vazquez, « Prince » de la musique, ami attachant, être unique… Et qu’allons-nous faire maintenant sans toi ? Comment comblerons-nous ce vide énorme ? Il y a si quelques semaines que nous parlions du futur, que la Musique survivrait aux tribulations que nous vivons, que nous agirions de nouveau ensemble… Joseph repose, MERCI de donner tant à beaucoup d’entre nous ! Avec la profonde affection et la grande amitié qui nous unissent depuis plus de 40 ans, je t’aime !